Newtyle is a village just across the valley from us which we pass through fairly often en-route to Dundee. We used to visit the local Butcher there but he has since retired and sadly closed down the business.
We drove to Dundee on August 27th and spotted this field as we drove by.
I don't recall seeing anything like it locally so planned to come back with the cameras asap. That's a Buzzard that happened to pass by as I took these shots. This is two phone shots stitched together.
I headed back yesterday, 28th, you never know when everything g might change. It was. There was a tractor in the field cutting the flowers!!!
You can see in the shot above that the tractor has been round a couple of times already! I couldn't get any closer at this spot, so I drove back down the road to the gate area and parked up. I started walking up the side of the field. 

Lacy Phacelia

A few internet searches and I found out what it is and why it might be here. 
One good reason to have this 'weed' around is its pollinator attractions.
The light on this day wasn't very kind, I'd really like a sunny day with scattered clouds, to give the light and shadow effect on the field.

It's some flower, I can't think of any other I've seen that's so complex in design and shape.
The beasties certainly love it, there were butterflies, bees and hover-flies everywhere, a constant buzz all around.

Gertrude Jekyll?

The field is in a pretty good location too, photography wise.

KInpurney Tower

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