Jo and myself, along with my mum and sister went over to Northern Ireland for a week towards the end of September and had a great time exploring and walking, I deliberately didn't take many bird photos or I'd have ended up drifting off on my own so I'll start here part-way through the holiday.
September 25th saw us heading down the Antrim coast towards Whitehead where we were to spend a few days with my brother and his partner, we stopped off in Ballycastle for a wander around and some lunch and ended with a walk on the beach before carrying on South.

Jackdaw bathing in the Glenshesk

Jackdaw bathing in the Glenshesk
I watched this Jackdaw having a ball in the river, if I took a step closer it hopped up onto the sand and stopped, watching me. We spent the majority of the rest of that day in the car then getting settled into the BnB so an early-ish night was had by all.
September 26th saw us up and about fairly early with plans to meet my brother for a little job we all had together down at Brown's Bay on Islandmagee and it looked like it was going to be a gorgeous day. The family had lived on the island, it's a peninsula really, for a few years some time ago so it was a journey filled with memories.
We walked from the beach at brown's Bay up along the shore to the rocking stone, which doesn't rock any more, health safety!!!! Really? It has been there for eons.
There was a really nice surprise waiting as we rounded the headland ....

Grey Seal on a rock

Grey Seal on a rock
It looked so melancholy, made me wonder if it was ok but, never interfere, right?
We enjoyed a leisurely stroll along the headland then back to the beach and back to Whitehead where we had a light dinner in a local cafe before a short walk along the shore at Whitehead. The recent stormy weather had piled up seaweed along the shore attracting a LOT of flies which, in turn, attracted suitable birds for the feast, I don't think I've ever seen so many Pied Wagtails in one place before!

Pied Wagtail and fly feast
There were a few other birds dotted along the shore, it was still pretty wild and windy.

Ringed Plover youngster on the rocks

Ringed Plover youngster on the rocks

Ringed Plover youngster on the rocks

Redshank on the shore

Redshank on the shore
It wasn't a bad evening but It was the weather that ended our shore walk for the night, just too cold and windy so, back to the house and a drink or two maybe?

Black Head lighthouse and rain over Scotland