January 25th 2023
On one of our very first walks up alongside the reservoir, we stopped to chat with a couple walking back down towards the car park, both wore binoculars and told us they'd seen nothing interesting at all, neither had we, so far....
In about 100 yards Jo said "What's that?" We could hear a bird sound and looked all around us until we spotted her, right in front of us at the tip of a young pine tree, a beautiful yellow female crossbill, a first for both of us.

Female Crossbill on pine
She stayed on that pine, glancing down at us now and again, for around a minute but it felt like ages, enough for a good few photographs.

Female Crossbill closeup

Of course I almost broke my neck looking for more for the rest of the walk .... none :(

Female Crossbill watching us


So our first ever sighting of a Crossbill was a real beauty in my opinion, she almost posed for us but, I was hooked.
My next sighting wasn't until February