Redshank and Black Headed Gull on the pool edge

Relaxed Redshank

Redshank keeping an eye on the waves

Redshank splashed

Redshank watching me

Redshank dozing

Redshank watching a bigger wave

Redshank watching me go by

Herring Gull youngster zoned out

Rock Pipit in the car park

Wheatear female on the shore

Wheatear female on the rocks

Hooded Crow catching the breeze on the fence

Otter doing side stroke

Otter swimming in heavy sea

Otter swimming in heavy sea

Take a breath



Grab a breath

Prepare to dive

Full length on the surface

Another quick gasp.

Otter or monster

I'm outta here

Wheatear in the weed

Wheatear closeup on the rocks

Turnstone on seaweed

Turnstone face to face

Turnstone, Starlings and Rock Pipit

Turnstone & Starling

The Turnstone and the fly

Younger Turnstone

Half a Turnstone

Turnstone up close

Hooded Crows walking the walk

Coming back for a photo?

Hooded Crow walking towards us

Totally unconcerned by my presence

Walking along the path towards us

So clever, easier to pick up a seed if you turn your beak!

Bad feather day!

Not a care as we walked on

So aware