I head up to the reservoir as often as weather allows and as often as possible. I've been backing off a bit recently from visiting too often, mainly because I have SO many photographs to work through, edit and share but FOMO gets me every so often and I just HAVE to go up for a look.
July 3rd showed promise weather-wise so I headed up, a bit later than I usually would but, there was no-one there anyway. Our weather has been pretty awful recently. Awful weather to me can be just downright grey which really isn't great for photos although ok for a walk.

10:22 - Birds on the Dam
There's aways a large gathering of Common Gulls at this time of year, I counted over thirty and then more as I saw the dam itself, along with a few youngsters. A couple of Oystercatchers were also around the area and a youngster along at the far end.
Heading up the track, I watched a Song Thrush foraging for food on the grass bank before darting off into the undergrowth, must be young in there somewhere.

Song Thrush foraging
Onward, up the track, it was one of those mornings where I'd had to decide what I needed to wear. Overcast, chilly but the sky looked like it might clear. I decided layers would work.

Passing Buzzard
I always check the dead trees up on the hillside as I pass the first fork, that's where I saw the Cuckoo last year, still no luck this year at all but, I did spot a Buzzard perched up there surveying all around. I detest those bland white looking skies but, there's not a lot I can do about the weather, I could cheat and replace the sky in photoshop but ......
I could hear plenty birds and spotted several LBJs flitting around but they're never easy to photograph, I guess I'm out for the walk as well as the photos so I don't often stop, wait and prepare. (Little Brown Jobs)

Song Thrush

Young Dunnock
That said, there are a few spots where it is almost always worth stopping and hanging around, just before the new logging road is one example.

Warbler hiding

Something else hiding
I stood by this fallen pine for quite a while, it was full of wee birds hopping to and fro, that's when I spotted that bird above, peeping round a branch at me.

Young Robin
A gorgeous wee Robin youngster popped out to shout at me then flew off.
If you could see the effect of time passing and me still walking, I was now just approaching the gate when I noticed a bird on the fence a bit further down off the track.

Male Stonechat

Female Stonechat
A pair of Stonechats perched on the top wire, Stonechats are great to photograph as they often pop onto the top of a plant or fence for a look around or to sing. There was also a male Reed Bunting but he shot away as soon as I saw him and he saw me!
Before I could move on, a Goldfinch popped onto a Thistle for me.

Perfect, only better light could improve on that pose for me.
There's a clump of trees here, including one fallen one over a burn and it's another good spot to hang back from and survey before getting to it.

Chaffinch male
I've said before, I'm terrible at ignoring Chaffinch because they're so common, a habit I must break.
And so, through the gate into the field beyond, this is a great area for Meadow Pipits, Chats and Martins so I'm always on the lookout. Meadow Pipits are another bird that quite often sit up on a post and wait to be photographed :)
As soon as I'd stepped clear of the gate I spotted a Buzzard gliding majestically a little further up the trail, I thought it might be something else at first but no.

Shame about that sky :(
I watched it settle onto the dead trees a little further up the hillside, another site I always scan.

Perched Buzzard
I guess these have been left deliberately as there's a nest box on at least one of them, looks like a Woodpecker hole on that right hand tree too. I hear them tapping away quite often but I haven't seen them there.
Remember I said the Pipits like to sit up on the fence?

Meadow Pipit on a fence post
But, as I lined up this shot. ....

There had a been a small flock of birds flitting by and two male Redpoll dropped onto the fence for me! Lucky me. They didn't stay long, I was too close.
Carrying on, I got to the second gate and decided to carry on through, fate? What made me do that on that day? I usually turn back at this point. I think I was almost at the 2 mile mark so a few more steps would round it up.

Another Stonechat male, out foraging. Again, this is an area where I've seen them each year, I now know they nest near the second gate but I only got a glimpse of one youngster before it was gone. It was also now raining but only that light mizzle, luckily I'd decided to layer up eh?

Stonechat male in smirry rain
I was now right in the corner of the trail, watching the Stonechat forage around but with the camera tucked away while the rain was on, I've suffered damp gear in the past, not good.
I could hear a bird in the area and had a good clue what it was but couldn't see any.....

Whinchat male on Thistles
I finally caught sight of a male Whinchat flitting around and making a bit of a fuss, I caught glimpses of other birds around too.

He was acting quite agitated and flitting around between plants and moving area every now and again but always coming back. Trying to draw me away?

Notice he keeps looking down and all around, tail flicking up, calling all the time.

Young Whinchat in weeds
I finally spotted a young bird half hidden in weeds but it popped up higher for me. There were a few of them around but I wasn't getting to see them, this one was more than enough though.

Last year was my first decent sighting of a Whinchat, a little further back down the trail so to get these chances is great.
Turning to head back, I caught sight of another passing Buzzard and that Stonechat still poking around in the weeds.

And that was it for this walk. I started back down the track, keeping my eyes peeled as ever but no photo opportunities presented themselves. I saw Sand & House Martins galore, a Common Sandpiper, a Red Kite and an Osprey passing overhead but again, raining so no photos.
The rain stopped and the sun came out, a bit, so I ended up roasting by the time I'd fast walked back to the car.
Scottish weather. If you don't like it, wait ten minutes :)