September 2nd 2023
I spotted Loch Shandra on Google maps and added it to the long list of places to visit then, heading up to the reservoir this morning I thought, what the hell, it's a beautiful morning.
Loch Shandra is another reservoir just outside Kirkton of Glenisla, there's a nice wee car park and just under a mile to walk up a good logging track. The loch is a Private fishing loch so there may be people fishing here from time to time.
Today, there wasn't a soul when I arrived at 8:10 in the morning and it was stunning, not a ripple on the water and the low sun lit up the hillsides beautifully, a perfect first visit.

Loch Shandra in early morning light
I took my time strolling across the dam to the far side where there's a boathouse and jetty for the fishing folk as well as a well worn picnic table. Not a sound or movement to be heard or seen but then I saw ripples on the water further up the loch.

Little Grebe on still water

Little Grebes on the loch
I eventually spotted five Little Grebes, maybe six but they looked like pairs which is good to see.

Little Grebe pair
I took a rough track on the far side of the loch heading North-ish. With the sun shining on the bank, the rough ground on that side was awash with Meadow Pipits popping up and flying ahead of me as I walked.

Meadow Pipit on a rock

Meadow Pipit on a rock
There were loads of them, always just too far ahead for really good shots, these can be good birds to photograph up at Backwater, they see happier with human presence maybe? I did finally get a decent close shot when one thought it was hidden amongst the weeds.

Meadow Pipit hiding in weeds
It was so peaceful walking alongside the loch in total silence with the sun on my back. I spotted a Kestrel up ahead at the tip of a stand of pines, it was a long way off but, I usually grab a shot, walk a bit more etc. in the hope it will stay long enough for a good shot but ...

A couple of distant shots was all it allowed me before hiding off up the glen. The track winds past some ruins, must have been a home here at some point in the past and on past the pines to a gate. Just before the gate I started seeing young Pheasant scurrying around.

Young male Pheasant coming into colour

No photos please!
I find Pheasant behaviour hilarious, then again, I don't get shot at very often!

I stood at the gate staring up the glens admiring some ruins further up, the weather was beautiful, not too hot but clear and sunny with a breeze so , I decided to carry on and explore the hill to my left. OS showed a track that wound around the top of the hill and back down to the loch on the other side.
Again, Pheasant everywhere, they scare the pants off you popping up almost underfoot!

Female Pheasant on the hillside

A look of terminal shock in her eyes?

Female Pheasant can be difficult to get photos of, so secretive so I was chuffed to get these.
s far as my walk goes, that path I mentioned disappeared fairly quickly so I chose my path keeping an eye on OS to keep me on track, the views were stunning although the sky clouded over and everything went a bit grey, still a fab walk. I looped round the hilltop and dropped back down heading back towards Kirkton then turning back towards the loch. There were now two or three guys fishing on the loch so I headed back over the dam towards the main track and back to the car park. Spotted a Grey Wagtail foraging on the overflow area.

Back onto the main track, I headed back towards the car park and noticed a fair amount of small bird noise in the trees next to me. I got the camera out ready, in case when larger brown bird popped out of the trees and flew off down the track ahead of me. Too quick for a shot but, it did slip back into the tree up ahead so, I slowly walked forward until I spotted a dark shape in one of the trees.

Tawny owl
A tawny owl. I was amazed, what a fab opportunity. It sat watching me long enough for a few shots then off down the track again, this time climbing out and over the trees.

Hence all the small bird noise, they had been mobbing it trying to drive it away. Several Tits, Goldcrest and more but they all dispersed as soon as it went.
I was elated, what a great end to my walk, must come back here eh? ;)