As I mentioned in. yesterday's post, Bostadh beach was to become my go-to place in the mornings well, today I explored the headland, mainly to see if it was possible to walk over to Little Bernera. It isn't! And that was a very windy, very rugged and boggy headland but, every cloud etc. I saw and photographed my first Great Northern Diver in Caolas Bearnaraigh Beag
February 28th, It was pretty dreich when I got to the beach, a good wind blowing and the rain barely staying off for the moment. I had a scan around before heading up the headland.

Soaring in the mist

The sea was chopped up quite a bit, especially out of the bay.

Shag skimming the waves

Hold your head up
While I was scanning the horizon I spotted a raft of Eider bobbing about.

Eider ducks on the waves
I started scrambling up onto the headland, see what I might see.
A pair of Black-backed gulls looked like they were setting up home in or near an old ruined shack or boat shed. There are a lot of Black-backed gulls around here, many Greater if I'm not mistaken?

A place of our own
It was a pretty rocky and boggy scramble but I could see down into the next bay and there on its own was a Diver!

My first Great Northern Diver at last, I'd seen Red-throated a few times back home, great to see this here.

I sat on a rock on the side of the headland watching this bird for quite a while. Other birds were available :)

A female Red-breasted Merganser was fishing in the same area.

Along with a Shag and ...

I just spotted this seal as it dropped its head back under water then drifted behind that headland.

As you can now see, I was quite chuffed ;)
I did eventually carry on over the headland and back to the car park. Maybe just check the sea again?
As I was standing by the rocks, I glanced to my right and there, not far from shore at all, was a beautiful Red-throated Diver.

Red-throated Diver
It dived and was gone, well out into the bay next time I saw it. There were still a few Oystercatchers clinging to the rocks, the wind was really getting up.

Again I stood scanning the horizon, just watching the sea was pretty fabulous then I caught sight

It wasn't easy getting most shots in the wind and with that sea running.

Peeping Red-throated Diver
I enjoyed scanning the water, everywhere, looking for the Divers, they cover a lot of distance under water. I did spot two of them, a pair maybe?

Great Northern Diver pair
I've only ever caught sight of Red-throated divers now and again, on the reservoir and off the beach at St. Cyrus, it was great to see several here and two different ones!
Other birds were available :) plenty 'gulls around.

Young Common Gull on the wing

Young Common Gull on the beach
It had been a good, wild n windy morning for me, I headed back to the cottage to see what was planned for today.