I decided to break up the pages for March, it's still March as I type this and I may be back before month end. Waking up on the 26th brought a bit of a surprise.
It had snowed over the higher ground overnight and it was a beautiful morning, time to get dressed and head up the road!
When I got out of the car, there was heavy cloud overhead and it was absolutely FREEZING! I had to put my hat and gloves on before starting my walk, I usually make it part way up the road before I need them :) but, as I walked, the sun came out and it was so warm on my back, I could remove the hat.
As I cleared the first set of trees, I caught sight of this Kestrel hovering over the water, two shots and it was gone, out across to the other side!
The view as I walked up the shore was stunning.
I kept my eyes on the same clump of growth as the other day, I even climbed the bank and walked around it, in snow but not a Crossbill to be seen, or heard!
Ach well, can't always be lucky. Back down on the track, I carried on up but hadn't gone far when I heard something behind me. There they were, just arriving and spreading out over the young trees.
So, back I went, down the path and alongside the bushes.
I stood for quite some time along with a lady from Kirriemuir that I've met up here a few times, her husband and three dogs wandering on as we watched and photographed the Crossbills, I'll share more shots at Crossbills of Backwater
They wandered on and I got more shots :) before heading on up the track as well. Got to let dogs get well ahead ;)
The scenery looked fabulous in the snow with the blue sky above.
I could see the flock of Swans way up the reservoir and grabbed this shot to take in both them and the scenery
I tend to walk fairly slowly on days like this, too much to see, to look out for I'm constantly looking all around me.
I disturbed this male reed Bunting and you can tell he wasn't happy about it!
So I wandered by the picnic bench, didn't see much activity there at all but left some food for the birds anyway and moved on. As I passed the clearing on the left, I paused in the shadows to check for anything going on.
A movement caught my eye, a couple of Roe deer in among the young trees, the second one must have wandered deeper into the trees, I didn't see it again.
Once again, the very reason I bought and carry the P950, to get these closeups, just a matter of good light and a steady hand. I carry a tripod but rarely use it!!!!!
I left them to their foraging and carried on up to and through the first gate where a Song Thrush landed on the path and just kept head of me as I walked so I had fun following it up the track.
It eventually hopped into a bare bush next to the path and watched me approaching until I got too close.
When the Thrush had flown off I turned around ....
The clouds were rolling in and the light was changing constantly.
You'll need to tap or click this one to see it fully!
Those tones and shadows on the hillsides are beautiful.
Meanwhile, back at the top of the reservoir, I've watched that forest being felled and have wanted to walk up that logging road since I first saw it, one day, when the time and weather are right.
the way, I talk about the top of the reservoir, technically, it isn't, there's more around to the left there, I just haven't been there, yet! I'd started making my way South again, back towards the car.
And while I was staring off into the distance ...
I think I've already said somewhere before that the Meadow Pipits can be really obliging and pop up on the fence for example and pose for photographs, just as this next one did only, it turned out to be a female Reed Bunting! Age and eyesight!!!
I did spot quite a few Pipits as I headed back, they're obviously getting active.
As I went back through the gate, I spotted this Buzzard way up the hill side on the finest branch ever! Must've spotted something interesting.
I wasn't much further down the track when this Buzzard flew overhead, possibly the same one
My walk had now turned into my more normal fast paced walk as I'd seen most birds on the way up but, I got my first shot of a Chiffchaff for this year.
It was around the same time that I spotted a bird way up near the top of the hill and only when I zoomed right in on it, I thought it might be something different but ....
It appeared to have very different markings but, when it took to the air....
it became more obvious that it was another Buzzard, ah well.
And that, as they say, was that. Back to the car, send the "on my way home" message and head for home. A great day for weather and Crossbill shots, there will be many more, I have no doubt.