Our first recorded walk was in January of this year and what a walk it turned out to be. I had heard there may be Crossbills in this area so, I was intent on watching the tree tops. We met another couple walking down the track, both wearing binoculars so, we stopped for a chat and agreed it was VERY quiet, bird-wise, very little calling or seen but a beautiful, if chilly day. We continued on our way and hadn't gone more than a couple of hundred yards when Jo heard something. We both scanned around but, right next to us, at the tip of a young Pine tree stood a female Crossbill. Amazing. I'd never seen a Crossbill, never mind this close or as clearly.

She posed on the treetop looking around and calling quietly for about a minute before flitting off up the hillside and disappearing. What a beautiful bird and opportunity, we carried on up the track chattering away about our sighting and keeping an eye out for more.

Seeing that beautiful lady just fuelled my desire to find and photograph more but I was so happy to have got these shots, I doubt I'd ever get shots like these again.....