Wednesday 31st was leaving day, time to head for home again but, plenty of time for me to get up for a morning walk.

Foraging Wagtail
I walked down onto the flats, the tide was out, luckily for me so it gave me lots of opportunities for photographs.

Passing Turnstones
It was quite a nice morning, the light wasn't great but I'm getting used to that now.

Turnstones & Gulls
We definitely have to come back here, I could've spent hours out here and with a bit more prep, could get some really nice shots. Carry your tripod!!!! :)

Passing by
Lots of birds and the seals always make great subjects.

I spotted this Black-headed gull preening near the water and walked around until I could catch a clean reflection, a few others popped into the shots as you can see.



Perfect strangers
I couldn't clearly see if that was a Hooded Crow, maybe a hybrid?