OK so I'd intended heading for home but I'd had a late start so a quick visit to Lintrathen wouldn't hurt.
Well. Was it wild down there or what? The loch looked like open sea. I opened the hatches on the hide and a gale blew through so I had to adjust where I sat so as not to lose my wig ;)

Mallard on rough water

Little Grebes in rough water
There were loads of birds out there, I could only see them now and again it was so rough :)
Not that easy to focus on any one object when it's bobbing around and disappearing now and again.
I spotted something further out, about mid way across the loch.

Great Crested Grebe
This was a bit easier to watch and maybe focus on, being bigger and who knows? Maybe there are two? A dance????
Nope, focussing was still a nightmare, I've just dumped a load of photos that were too blurred for me. I did manage to grab a shot of a pair of Teal

There was a break in the cloud cover so we got blue sky for a few moments but the rain wasn't ever far away.

Looking towards Balintore castle
With so little to go on, it was often difficult for me to identify all the birds I could see.

Not sure about the birds above, Tufted Ducks or Goldeneye? More than happy if anyone wants to correct me :)
So, to give you all an idea of the scale of the photo taking problem.

Great Crested Grebe
The shot above isn't cropped in any way so it shows how far, how small these birds were, add the waves running ........... it was time to hit the road.
Homeward bound this time.