May 13th was one of those warm yet overcast mornings but it showed some promise of better ahead so, I headed up to the reservoir as I hadn't been for quite a while!
Turned out to be a good decision :)
It was a slow starter, my walk began just after 09:00 and apart from 20-30 Common Gulls around the tower, it was pretty quiet.
Plenty of Willow Warblers calling and this one perched on a Broom not far ahead of me.

I was up at the new logging road before I got my next opportunity.

A few Redpoll dropped into the shrubs just ahead and this one stayed up looking for bugs I guess.
I've been scanning the water for the Black-throated Divers but nothing, hope they found somewhere to nest and raise young.
Moving on past the old boathouse, a Buzzard drifted by over the hillside.

You can see the sky in those shots, not a bright, clear day, rather hazy but lovely and warm, doesn't make for a pleasing backdrop though.
I stopped by the picnic bench for a while, the sun was trying to break through and it's a perfect place to just sit, relax, look and listen.
On through the first gate, into grassy territory and the Meadow Pipits were popping up here and there. I spotted a Reed Bunting male in a branch just staring at the water :)

I usually carry the camera out in my arm with the long lens fitted, quite heavy, you never know what you might see up here.
I spotted what I thought was a Meadow Pipit on the fence, then two, that's usually where I see them. I pulled out the P950 and zoomed in to capture a long shot of them .....

They weren't pipits but Whinchat! A pair of them!
I'd only seen one Whinchat all of last year so it was great to see a pair and get shots of them. Camera at the ready :)

A distant but tatty Red Kite caught my eye but didn't stay around long.
Then I spotted a Whinchat on the new trees. I climbed the bank and used the fencing as a rest for the lens, much better when it's supported.
I got a lovely set of shots of the female.

The only editing done to them is de-noising (less fuzziness from the camera and lightened a bit).
It was only once I got these onto the Mac and started sifting through that I noticed the male is also in a few of those shots, I hadn't seen him when I was taking them. Click or tap a shot to view full size.

Female Whinchat
I cropped the shot above to bring her closer and show here colours and markings better.
I was shooting for around 2 minutes when the male popped into shot for me as well! Perfect! Allows me to show the difference between the two.

Male & Female Whinchat

Female & Male Whinchat

I love the shot above. Something has obviously caught their attention and both looked round, both perched on one leg.
I took many more shots but none were as good as those above (in my opinion of course :))

Female Whinchat keeping an eye on me
So, I finally wandered on. It can feel like ages when you're concentrating on a set of shots but it was only three minutes. I carried on towards the second gate, my usual turning point but, before I got there, something caught my eye, high above the top of the reservoir.

White-tailed Eagle
Not a great photograph but it shows what I see at first glance, lift the camera and get a shot, then make suitable adjustments.

Shooting against a bland white sky is never great but, you often don't get a choice, you have to take what you get :)
I stood photographing and watching this White-tailed Eagle for 6 minutes, you never know which way they're going to turn, closer? Further?
Then a Buzzard turned up for a look, I thought it was a second Eagle at first glance, no such luck :)

White-tailed Eagle

Common Buzzard

White-tailed Eagle & Common Buzzard

White-tailed Eagle & Common Buzzard

White-tailed Eagle up close
It's always wonderful to see these magnificent birds cruising the skies. It pulled in its wings and headed off over the hill where I watched it cruising a while longer before setting off back down the road.
I spotted a couple of birds down by the water just before I reached the gate, along with four Mallard cruising by.

Reed Bunting female

Common Sandpiper
I hadn't photographed one Meadow Pipit yet, they were around but just not staying around long enough, I did however see another ....

Whinchat in full song

Whinchat in full song - closeup
Oh look, Whinchat! Well, I had only seen one before.
I saw a couple more Whinchats, a Buzzard and a possible Buzzard heading away from me with something large in its beak but didn't get a chance for a shot.
I did see the Sandpiper again, on a post by the water. I'm saying the Sandpiper because I haven't seen any others around, they're often flying about in pairs or more.

Sandpiper preening
Did I say I hadn't seen many Meadow Pipits?

Meadow Pipit attracting attention

That worked!

On through the gate again, keeping an eye out for Redstarts, saw one here a couple of weeks ago.... I did see a Chaffinch!!!! Hah! There are a LOT of Chaffinch up here.

There were lots of butterflies around but all far too active to allow photos.

Tatty looking Peacock
The cloud and mist had all but cleared by now and I was roasting, only a light top and a fleece on but too much for this walk now.

11:17 - Looking back up the reservoir
I was back at the car around 11:45 and heading for home, the car interior was roasting so AirCon on for a while. I did spot something on my drive back that just really caught my eye!

The colour purple
Is it art? Is it just a bin?
Finally, thought I'd add a shot created in Lightroom. I try to keep my images as close to reality as possible and that doesn't always show them to the best but ....

I'll leave it with you.