There's been quite a bit of rain lately, the Isla is up and flooding the plain surrounding the B954 Alyth to Meigle road, again. I'd spotted swans on there before so on January 3rd / 4th I thought I'd take a drive down and see what I could see and photograph.

Flooding to the left of the B954 looking towards Meigle
Both sides of the road get flooded and often so does the road itself. I'd hoped the sun might break through the low cloud but, not today.

Pylons in the flood water
There's a sub-station in the trees you can just at the far end of that line of pylons. Notice a few swans in the distance.

Whooper Swan pair on the floodwater
I do wonder where the Whoopers came from? There were loads of them, I guess there's good food to be had in a flooded field?

Whooper Swan
Of course they all cleared off to the far side of the floods when I arrived :(

Whooper taking off

A "Bank" of Mute Swans
There were quite a few Mute Swans on there as well.

Looking Easterly

Looking Westerly
You can see the extent of the flooded areas on both sides of the road above. A gaggle of Pink-footed Geese flew over while I was standing at this point.

Pink-footed geese

The road leading off at this point, over towards the sub-station, is completely flooded.

So, it was time to get back in the car and drive back towards Alyth, off towards Kirriemuir and then down to those houses you see above, the other side of the flooding.

Flooding from the other side.
Having navigated my way to the opposite side, I could now see all the birds on the water but still quite distant from me. My previous shots were taken from a point just above the big fence post - - - ish :)
I could see a small group of birds under those pylons on the right....

Goldeneye duck males

Mrs Goldeneye keeping her distance
The Swans were on the other side of me in the distance but I could see Whooper, Mute along with mixed Geese, looked like some Pink-footed, Greylag and a couple of Canadas

t was a pretty dreich day so I headed for home. I came back down the next day briefly and the water had risen a little.


This is all from the river Isla fed by the rain waters coming down from the Angus Glens.
I'll maybe get down there on a day when the light is better.