Well, thank you for making it this far, unless of course you took a short cut! You may have realised by now that I really enjoy photographing these gorgeous birds, I'd never had the opportunity before but now that I do, I'm loving it.
Last batch, for this year ;)
December 31st and I came across a flock of Crossbills in some pines near the end pod my walk, almost back to the car park. The light was great, they were quite happy with me pointing my lens at them so, I stayed a while :)

11:44 - Male catching some rays
I usually aim to get back home around lunch time, my job to make lunch so these guys held me up a while :)

11:44 - Male having a look around
It was only once I'd stopped and tarted getting shots that I really noticed how many birds there were up there.

11:44 - Male and female behind
Looking at the bird above, I can only imagine it is a young bird coming into adult colour?

11:44 - Beautiful colours
Almost like a small parrot.

11:44 - Bootiful colour
I know next to nothing about most birds and less than that about Crossbills but I have spoken to a few more knowledgable than I and they all say that the coloration varies widely.

11:44 - Male and female

11:44 - No photos please!
See, that one is red! Well, rust red.
I liked this next shot because of the flechies in it (flies). December 31st, New Year's Eve and there are flechies about????

11:46 - Male Crossbill and flechies

11:46 - Male and a flechie

11:47 - Male supervising

11:47 - Another supervisor?

11:47 - Inquisitive male
I've only just noticed that this was either a very male dominated flock or I could only see the males.