August 20th 2023 - I went for a wander up Glen Quharity today, the first decent weather we've had in quite a while and somewhere I've wanted to walk for ages. I took the Balintore road as usual, there's often quite a lot to see along there so, I ended up stopping a few times just to check but it was fairly quiet, that time of year.
I stopped for a wander at the wood just before the bridge over Quharity Burn, walked down there for a look see, not a lot happening although there was a lady doing her Chi Gong or Tai Chi just by the bridge, very peaceful place for it.

A young Robin sat up for my camera and a couple of young Grey Wagtail flitted into the distance, not worth trying for a shot and there were a couple of Buzzards calling up over the hillside.

There were quite a few butterflies around today, always good to see.
Nothing to see here so I moved along to the bridge area over the Burn of Dairy and parked up, stood looking around for a while before setting off up into Glen Quharity itself.
I had a hoodie on, expecting it to be chilly up here but left my light waterproof jacket in the car, not a threatening cloud in sight, I ought to know better by now.
Looked like a couple of Red Kites and a Buzzard or two further up the glens over one of the hilltops towards Tombay. So, I set off up the lane, loads of rabbits in the field as ever and several Swallows around, especially up by the farm buildings

Chewin' on a piece of grass
A couple more Grey Wagtail flew by between the barns and the ruin, Swallows and a few Chaffinch young.

I think the Chaffinches have fabulous colour variations as they moult into adult feathers.
I did spot a bird up on the ruin itself and grabbed a few shots before it disappeared, didn't get an ID at the time but turned out to be a Wheatear, male I think?

I had to stop and get off the path for a fleet (3) of SSE vehicles went by, the lead stopped for a natter about the wildlife up here, doesn't bode well for activity further up the glen still, ever onward.
I found myself in a bit of jam for a while but they soon decided where they were going and left me to tromp on.

I did watch a large (Buzzard) fly off towards Backwater, couldn't really get a good ID but it wasn't an Osprey
I passed the SSE guys parked up at the bridge, a fault somewhere up this glen was causing a real pain for the local residents, not many but it meant they had to climb each pole individually for a decent area to check for damage. I only had a long lens on the camera so a couple of phone shots had to do.

There are worse places to work, even on a Sunday, right?
I met the local gamey and stood under a stand of mixed trees, chatting for ages and watching Coal Tits and Goldcrests flitting around but couldn't get a decent shot, dammit
After a good natter about the many walks up here and some of the wildlife possibilities, we went on our separate ways. I walked further on towards the farm but, looking behind, there were darker clouds appearing over the hilltops, hmmmmmmm on or back?
I had a good look around, I did have binoculars with me and decided to head back, luckily.
So, a faster walk back, getting the steps and activity level in and it was getting darker. Did I feel spits of rain???
I was intrigued by the Red Kites and Buzzards still showing over the hilltop but, today wasn't they day to head up and investigate. It was starting to rain, remember that waterproof ....... in the car?
It was spitting a bit when I got back to the car so I sat inside with one window open to watch bird activity in the trees by the burn and the abandoned hut.......... while it rained.
When the rain eased, I stuck the lens out the window and grabbed a few shots of what I thought might be a Spotted Flycatcher. Sitting back here at the Mac I looked them up and read up on the behaviour, darting in and out of tree cover and grabbing insects I might just be getting better at this

Chuffed, my first for this year. I've been looking down Den of Alyth and saw nothing, might have to head back up here soon and try for some good shots.
All in all, a really nice walk on the first decent day in ages and, a walk I'll plan and do more of later.
On the drive back I slid to a stop when two Crows appeared on a fence by the road, were they Hooded? I pulled into a gateway and tried for a few shots, obviously they'd moved further off onto a pole. So, are they Hooded or just younger birds showing discolouration?
I can't remember seeing Hooded up here before. That could be memory issues of course but, I have since discovered they're probably just scruffy youngsters :(