November 16th - I've already said that I don't always get to see the crossbills and sometimes I only see them as a flock of birds flying by but it's nice knowing they're still around.

Very distant Crossbill pair
The only reason I saw the birds above is because I was watching a Kestrel in the tree right next to them.

Bullfinches and Crossbill
I see quite a lot of flocks of Bullfinches at this time of the year as well as the Crossbills.
See, that was it for the 16th, not much to see at all but I know they're still around.
November 23rd and I got to see a little bit more of them than last time.

Glimpse of a female
If I remember correctly it was that glimpse of the female that drew me to sneak up towards that tree and one;y when I got around the other side, did I see the male.

Glimpses of a male
Sometimes you don't get much to work with :)
A wee bit of leg work and voila!

A lovely male Crossbill keeping an eye on me while enjoying its lunch.

I was up for a wander on November 24th but, there's not really much to say about that walk?!

Very distant flock
Ah well, can't always have them posing right in front of me.